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A goofy Hong Kong action romantic comedy co-written, produced by, and starring Jackie Chan.

A girl from taiwan who can apparently communicate with goofy CG dolphins finds a message in a bottle and ends up traveling to Hong Kong to find her true love. On the plane there, somebody mistakes her for a mob bosses girlfriend who is also Taiwenese and looks very similar. When she gets to Hong Kong she finds out a gay guy threw the bottle to attract a boyfriend, and although there’s no chance for romance she Basic forces him into letting her stay with him while she finds her true love in Hong Kong. Along the way she meets a rich philanthropist business genius Jackie Chan who lives in the kind of fancy apartment an elevator could open up into. He also has his Smithers-style assistant guy who he bosses around and who clearly loves him (I don’t remember if that last part was really a thing in the movie I probably just made it up). She starts courting Jackie, who obviously geniuinely likes her, While pretending to be the mob bosses Taiwanese girlfriend.

This one was extremely goofy and different in tone to the rest of Jackie’s movies, but he comes across as sincere and genuine and I really enjoyed it tbh. Solid movie considering it’s a Jackie Chan romcom, and one of my favorite Jackie Chan movies weirdly.

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